GME Testing staff is committed to resolving the foundation and geotechnical-related problems all the way through construction services and materials testing confronting our clients actively, economically, efficiently, and with minimum interruption to normal routine.
We are dedicated to employing state-of-the-art technologies and using up-to-date, efficient resources in addressing geotechnical evaluations and material testing. And we offers a full complement of scientific and engineering services to solve complex problems with timely, cost-effective, and technically sound solutions. This involves sampling earth materials and analyzing them thoroughly in a soil mechanics laboratory. Using the compiled data, GME Testing can assist clients to avoid poor foundation design, performance or unnecessary construction delays and cost reduction.
GME Testing is committed to providing quality and timely services in the following areas
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Drilling Services
- Testing Services
- Laboratory and Construction Material Testing
- Environmental Services
Registered P.E’s. in the States of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Arizona
Our services include the following:
GME Testing owns and operates, through a team of DNR Certified Drillers, its own fleet of drill rigs and field sampling and testing equipment.
All drilling rigs are equipped with standard split sampling and coring equipment as well as Shelby tubes and vary from truck mounted heavy-duty rigs to maneuverable ATV’s and truck mounted skid mounted drill rigs. We have the ability to drill inclined holes, pressure meter testing and vane testing in the field. In addition to conducting and / or monitoring of well pump tests.
Post Construction Evaluation

Services include Soils, Aggregate, Concrete, Mortar/Grout, Masonry, Steel, and Asphalt
Soils Field Testing
ICC & INDOT Certified Soils Technicians
Troxler and CPN Certified Soils Technicians

Masonry Inspection and Testing
ICC Certified Masonry Inspectors
Concrete Testing
ACI Level 1 Certified Inspectors
ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technicians
Certified F-Meter Operators

Steel Inspection and Testing
ICC Certified Weld and Fireproofing Inspectors

GME laboratory provides a detailed analysis of surface and subsurface composition and chemistry of soils. GME Testing owns and operates its own full-services analytical laboratory facilities. The laboratory is equipped with various specialty tests, CBR, unconfined compression testing devices and normal soils classification equipment. The GME Testing laboratory in Fort Wayne, Indiana is accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP).
Soils Laboratory Testing
Level 1/Level 2 Soils Technicians
Level 1/Level 2/Level 3 Aggregate Technicians
Asphalt Inspection and Testing
Level 1/Level 2/Level 3 Asphalt Mix
Design Technicians
GME Testing routinely conducts phase I ESA as well as Phase II on various type of projects in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. We provide our clients with a single point of contact and focused accountability to ensure an efficient resolution and measurable improvement. At GME Testing we are diligent about working effectively and efficiently in order to minimize our client’s cost. We pride ourselves on being cost effective and very competitive while performing quality work at a very high standard.
Our professional capabilities and exposure represented by qualified professional geologists and scientists in the environmental field and technically trained individuals aim to bring the resources and expertise that our client organizations need.